Recommended Order List
Books Illustrated by James Ransome

These are books that I discuss in my presentation, listed in order of importance

1. A Pride of African Tales
by Donna L. Washington

ISBN 0-06-024929-3
Harper Collins
2. Major Taylor
by Lesa Cline-Ransome

ISBN 0-689-83159-5
Atheneum/Simon & Schuster
3. Bruh Rabbit and the Tar Baby Girl
by Virginia Hamilton

ISBN 0-590-47376-X
The Blue Sky Press
4. Satchel Paige
by Lesa Cline-Ransome

ISBN 0-689-81151-9
Simon & Schuster
5. Quilt Alphabet
by Lesa Cline-Ransome

ISBN 0-8234-1453-1
Holiday House
6. Quilt Counting
by Lesa Cline-Ransome

ISBN 0-58717-177-5
SeaStar Books
7. How Animals Saved the People: Animal Tales from the South
by J.J. Reneaux

ISBN 0-688-16253-3
Harper Collins
8. Uncle Jed's Barbershop
by Margaree King Mitchel

ISBN 0-671-76969-3
Simon & Schuster
9. Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt
by Deborah Hopkinson

ISBN 0-679-82311-5

Random House/Knopf
10. Aunt Flossie's Hats (and Crab Cakes Later)
by Elizabeth Howard

ISBN 0-395-54682-6
Clarion Books
11. Quinnie Blue
by Dinah Johnson

ISBN 0-8050-4378-0
Henry Holt

12. Under the Quilt of Night
by Deborah Hopkinson

ISBN 0-689-82227-8
Atheneum/Simon & Schuster

13. Visiting Day
by Jacqueline Woodson

ISBN 0-590-40005-3
Scholastic Press

14. Peepers
by Eve Bunting

ISBN 0-15-260297-6

15. The Secret of the Stones
by Robert D. San Souci

ISBN 0-8037-1640-0
Dial Books/PenguinPutnam
16. The Wagon
by Tony Johnston

ISBN 0-688-13457-2 TR
Harper Collins
17. The Creation
by James Weldon Johnson

ISBN 0-8234-1069-2
Holiday House

18. Red Dancing Shoes
by Denise Lewis Patrick

ISBN 0-688-10392-8 TR
Harper Collins

19. How Many Stars in the Sky?
by Lenny Hort

ISBN 0-688-10103-8 TR
Harper Collins

20. Do Like Kyla
by Angela Johnson

ISBN 0-531-05852-2